Thursday, February 9, 2012


So my friends, my mom and I went to the Ellen show on December 9.  It was day 8 in Ellen's 12 Days of Christmas Givaways! 

Thank you Ellen!!!!!!  We got a Dell Latitude 17" laptop; an Olympus Pen Mini camera (really love it) and 4 gig card; a Playstation 3 (LOVE it); a blue ray 6 CD set of all the Star Wars movies; $500 gift card to Shutterfly (didn't think I would love it, but LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it); and a fabulous $200 gift card to Starbucks!!!!

The best part, is that I got two sets because of mom.  So, you might ask, "what did you do with the extras?"  Sell them on E-bay (fleeting thought, but since they were not really mine, did not feel right about making $$ from Ellen's generosity and mom's dementia.

So I shared $100 & $50 Shutterfly gift cards with both families (mine and my honey's) and shared the Starbucks cards with the nephews/nieces.  But then I still had 4 big things to give away and 5 groups of people.  I decided that we would share the bounty with my brother and sisters and the two young marrieds in the family)

We raffled the stuff off on Christmas Eve...but since I had 4 gifts and 5 groups...I went out and purchased a Nook reader and an inexpensive Blue Ray player (to add to the CDs).  I now had 5 gifts.  I asked my honey to number the bags (that way I did not know which #  had which item) and then I asked each one of those folks to pick a number.  We had a blast! And it was amazing how everyone received a gift that fit!   The 20 something married couple got the Playstation 3; the 30 something marrieds got the Nook; my brother got the camera, who explained that their camera had just bitten the dust; my youngest sister got the laptop (she had mentioned how she needed her own computer) and my other sister got the blue ray player and cds. 

All in all it was quite an exciting Christmas!  Thanks Ellen, you ROCK!!!

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